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This #ChildAbusePreventionMonth, let's break down stereotypes and barriers for boys and young men by opening up about emotions, finding ways to cope and regulate them, and providing positive male role models for developing minds. When we introduce these ideas early on, we create strong allies in prevention!

For many years, research focused on the negative impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) like health issues far down the line. However, science shows us that there is transformative power in Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs)! PCEs, which vary from things like connecting with safe adults to pursuing a child’s interests, are key in child well-being. It’s time to not just prevent harm, but actively build brighter futures. Learn more about Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences:

Parents – remember that every. single. parent. struggles! Parenting can be frustrating and not every day feels rewarding. Give yourself grace. Be open to a helping hand from a trusted friend or neighbor so that you can take time for yourself and be the best you can be for your child.

When families have fun together and bond, THAT is prevention! It can be easy to get bogged down with life, work, and school, but taking a couple minutes out of each day to spend time together with your child can make a world of difference. Try it for a week – each day ask your child what they’d like to do together, even for just 15 minutes, and see the magic that happens in your relationship!

When kids have adults they can turn to and trust, they are better set up for success. Make a game of it with your child and name an adult they can trust for each of their fingers. If you can’t think of 5 people, brainstorm potential adults that might be good options for your child. This is particularly helpful as they get older and look for adults outside of their parents to talk to!